userData action

The UserData option aims to enable formRender to both capture the form data before posting to the server and as well as inject the data into the controls.


  1. Setup formRender with base definition as normal
var formRenderOptions = {
  formData: '[{"type":"text","label":"Text Field","name":"text-1526099104236","subtype":"text"}]';
var formRenderInstance = $('#render-container').formRender(formRenderOptions);
  1. After the user has entered data into the rendered form, their data is accessible from formRenderInstance.userData or $('#render-container').formRender('userData')
// "[{"type":"text","label":"Full Name","name":"text-1526099104236","subtype":"text","userData":["John Smith"]}]"

UserData works for autocomplete, select, checkbox-group, radio-group, text, email, color, tel, number, hidden, date, textarea, textarea-tinymce.

For fields that have an "other" option, a value that is not in the pre-defined values is assumed to be the "other" value.

var formData = '[{"type":"checkbox-group","label":"Checkbox Group","name":"checkbox-group-1526095813035","other":true,"values":[{"label":"Option 1","value":"option-1"},{"label":"2","value":"2"}],"userData":["option-1","Bilbo \\\"baggins\\\""]}]';

var formRenderOptions = {formData};
var frInstance = $('#renderMe').formRender(formRenderOptions);

A common use case for userData would be to create a form, save the input data from the form into a database, and then refresh the page with the saved data. Simply stringify userData when posting.

  1. Capture form data
    type: "POST",
    url: url,
    data: JSON.stringify(frInstance.userData)
  1. Send the saved JSON data back into formRender to display data
var fbOptions.formData = {SavedJsonFromDatabase};
var frInstance = $('#renderMe').formRender(fbOptions);


See the Pen