
Add functionality to existing and custom attributes using onclone and onadd events. Events return JavaScript DOM elements.

For all types the wildcard type * exists.

onremove event exists for removal events


var options = {
  dataType: 'json',
  typeUserAttrs: {
    text: {
      pattern: {
        label: 'Pattern',
        description: 'Enter a RegExp passwords must match'
  typeUserEvents: {
    '*': {
      onclone: (fld) => {
        console.log('field cloned');
    text: {
      onadd: function(fld) {
        var $patternField = $('.fld-pattern', fld);
        $patternField.prop('disabled', true).parent().hide();
        $('.fld-subtype', fld)
          .change(function(e) {
            var toggle = (e.target.value === 'password');
            $patternField.prop('disabled', !toggle).parent().toggle(toggle);